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Muña (Minthostachys mollis):

Muña is an Andean plant traditionally used for its properties that support the digestive and respiratory systems. Known for providing relief in cases of stomach discomfort, including symptoms related to gastritis, muña is valued by those looking for a natural option to promote daily well-being and ease digestion.


Tocosh (fermented potato):

Tocosh, made through an ancestral fermentation process of potatoes, is recognized for its nutritional properties and has been used for centuries in Andean communities. Traditionally appreciated for its soothing effects on the digestive system, helping with discomfort related to gastritis, tocosh is an invigorating food that can be part of a balanced diet.


Benefits of the combination:

The combination of muña and tocosh in capsules can be integrated into a natural wellness routine. Muña, by supporting digestion, enhances the absorption of nutrients in tocosh, creating a synergistic balance between tradition and nutrition. Together, they offer gentle support for digestive health, making them an excellent natural option for those seeking relief from gastric discomfort.


This combination is ideal for those looking to maintain digestive health while incorporating traditional Andean ingredients into their daily routine.


Digestion Pack - Muna Leaves Herbal Tea + Tocosh Caps - Free Shipping

  • What is Muna Tea (Andean Mint)?

    Muna is high in calcium, iron, and phosphorus, making it beneficial for strong bones and teeth. It is said to be good for digestion, so you’ll often encounter Peruvians sipping a cup of muña tea after a big dinner. The herb is also believed to help ease altitude symptoms, especially if you experience stomach pain at high altitudes.


    In Andean communities, muña has also traditionally been used in Peruvian plant medicine to boost the immune system. It’s also been used as a remedy for health ailments like arthritis, pain, and flu, though people are advised to use it in moderation. The Inca were even believed to drink muña tea to ease sore throats, so it’s been used as a Peruvian medicinal plant for quite a long time.


    It has as chemical constituents various essences (menthol, geraniol, linalol, isoamyl alcohol, limonene, cñelo), vitamin B1, calcium and phosphorus.


    * All Orders up to 5kg will be labeled with our stickers unless otherwise indicated. Any orders larger than 5kg will have sticker labels sent inside the box to be applied by the buyer upon arrival.


    For all orders larger than 25kg, fill out this order form. For all orders larger than 300kg, fill out this order form.







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